How does Kardn work?

  1. Start your search: Tell Kardn what you are looking for. This can be related to anything, sports, lifestyle, friends, etc.

  2. Send connections: Send notes and invitations to people you are interested in connecting with.

  3. Chat: When someone accepts your invitation, chat with them and make plans.

Block a Member

To block a user, go to their profile, click the three dots located in the top left of then screen, and then select "Block." When a member is blocked, your communications with that individual, their appearance in your searches, chats, and save profiles will disappear. Additionally, the person you blocked won't be able to see you anymore.

Report a Concern

By going to a user's profile, tapping the three dots, and choosing "Report" you can submit an issue. Choose the response that most accurately expresses your concern and submit. We prioritize the security of our community. Please let us know about rude behavior, offensive photographs, and con artists. All reports are anonymous, and the subject of your complaint will never learn who you are.

Photos and Profiles

How to Upload a Photo

You can upload pictures from your device, or take a spontaneous selfie.

  • Tap the edit photo icon in the edit profile section

  • Tap the + icon

  • Select and upload the photo of your choice

How to Delete a Photo

  • Tap the edit photo icon in the edit profile section

  • Tap the x icon

  • At all times, you must have at least one photo. Your first photo can only be replaced.

Why was my Photo Removed?

Your photo was removed because it did not meet the requirements for our app's photos. You can submit a new image that complies with our requirements. Please consider your post carefully, as an inappropriate photo may be removed.

Photo Dos & Don'ts

Please consider your post carefully, as an inappropriate photo may be removed.

Photo Dos

  • Show off your smile

  • Post recent photos looking your best

  • Show off photos of you doing things you love

  • Include photos of your pets

Photo Don'ts

  • No nude photos

  • No photos depicting violence

  • No copyrighted photos

  • No photos of celebrities


How to Send a Message

You must accept another users invitation to connect or have your own invitation accepted before you can send a message. Tap the messages icon in the bottom navigation then tap the person's photo and send a message.


How to remove a Connection
In the messages section, tap the three dots on the right side of the connection's chat and select "Remove Connection" to remove the connection.

My Connection Disappeared
It appears that the person may have deleted their account or removed you as a connection.

Access and Settings

How to Logout

  • Tap the profile icon in the bottom navigation

  • Tap the gear icon to access your settings

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Tap "Log out" button

  • Logging out will not hide your profile

How to Delete my Account

  • Tap the profile icon in the bottom navigation

  • Tap the gear icon to access your settings

  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Tap "Delete account" button

Can I Change my Phone Number?

  • You cannot change your phone number

Can't Login / My App Crashed

If you're experiencing login issues or app crashes, try the following:

  • Try again later

  • If the issue persists, try reinstalling the Kardn application. Delete the app and then download it again to reinstall. Your connections won't be impacted by this as long as you don't delete your account.


Are you experiencing and bugs, need support, or would like to suggest new features? Send us an email. You can email us with any queries, suggestions, or complaints regarding assistance at contact@kardn.co.

Address: 2093 Philadelphia Pike No 6106 Claymont, DE 19703

Copyright © 2024 Kardn. All rights reserved.